Follow up sales are some of the EASIEST sales to secure.
But how do you get them?
It's easy.
You ask! But not in the way you might think!
Imagine This: You've made the sale. They come pick it up or you deliver it.
That's it, right?
Follow up with a message saying, "Thank you for purchasing and supporting my small business. If you like vintage furniture (*or whatever you sell), check out my Instagram page at ...."
That's it.
Now you have them "subscribed" to you!
This is the method that works for MOST people, but if you want to level up your reselling game, you can collect one of the MOST valuable things known to marketing and sales...the email address!
And I'll teach you EXACTLY how to do this in my Level 2: Resell to 100K ecourse.
Level 2 Modules:
1. Selling, Sourcing, Staging: I spill ALL the tea. I don't hold back on anything. Wanna know my favorite sourcing locations? You got it!
2. Shopify & Sales Tax: This is the nitty gritty so you don't get in trouble with The Man. I promise it's not as hard as you might think.
3. Social Media: I teach you how to hack your way into looking like a professional without having to go back to school. It's focused on selling, so you don't have to sift through all those tips that don't apply to your specific niche.
Normally, it's $197. But if you use the coupon code LEVEL UP, it's only $97. That's less than $33/course.
While I can't promise you'll make $100k...I will offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don't think the information is worth it! No questions asked.
Click here to learn more!